Good news: one of our most notable girl-crushes Louise Follain just shared her gorgeous makeup routine!
This French fox oozes beauty, so we are utterly happy about her spilled secrets.
Not familiar with this modern day Jane Birken, eh? Well, let us introduce you to the woman we’ve been stalking via the gram before you find out about her most quintessential products.
She’s a must-follow.
Louise is a born and raised Parisian whose amazing full lips, dark lengthy lashes and idyllic style are making her the next big Ford model to look out for. Her thick applied mascara and feathery hair are other excellent reasons we’re gushing over cette femme!
Although Follain claims her look is “undefinable and messy“, we think you can pull her straight out of a fashion catalog from the 1960s.
She’s glamorous AF, in an uncomplicated and tout naturel way. Which we can certainly appreciate after the current obsession with heavy contouring (when will it end??!).
Besides being a full-time model, Louise also works as a stylist on the side. Ahhh… how much do you think she charges per session? If only we could hire her, maybe she could help us execute her chic and sexy style de mode (nothing wrong with working on the language of love, don’t hate!).
Too bad she’s most likely out of our budget, she’s probably getting paid quite well to play dress-up with the affluent elite from her hometown. Super impressive considering she is only 21 years old.
Regardless, at least we can find out how she nails her never-over-done classic French look. Thankfully, IntoTheGloss gave us all the deets in two articles, but we combined them into one in order to make life easier for all you busy gals out there.
Good news: one of our most notable girl-crushes Louise Follain just shared her gorgeous makeup routine! This French fox oozes beauty, so we are utterly…
Good news: one of our most notable girl-crushes Louise Follain just shared her gorgeous makeup routine! This French fox oozes beauty, so we are utterly…
Good news: one of our most notable girl-crushes Louise Follain just shared her gorgeous makeup routine! This French fox oozes beauty, so we are utterly…